Burley Bullock diamond buyer  
Buying all cuts and sizes, worldwide, every day... highest prices paid! Bullock buys diamonds
Buying all cuts and sizes, worldwide, every day... highest prices paid!

Bullock Diamond Price Quote Request

Important: A price quote is a bid to buy your diamond, not an "appraisal."
We do not appraise diamonds over the Internet.

We're happy to provide a tentative price quote for any diamonds or diamond jewelry you may wish to sell. Simply submit the requested information, and a representative from Bullock Estate & Diamond Brokers will contact you. (How does this work?)

First & Last Name: (both required)
Telephone: } (either phone or email is required)
Email address:
City & State:

Please tell us about your diamond. This information is all optional, but the more you tell us, the faster we can provide an accurate quote.

Weight (carats): (weight of the diamond itself, not the setting)
Cut (shape):
Certificate: (See examples: EGL, GIA)
Other Details (condition, etc.):

  Please click Submit only once!

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