(800) 441-6144 for diamonds
(800) 906-9068 for watches
(713) 783-8183 for gold jewelry and more
Better Business Bureau (BBB) report

Privacy Policy

At Bullock Estate and Diamond Brokers, we respect the privacy of all visitors to our web sites. Our sites do gather some information about visitors to help us run our business better. Here are the details in plain English.

Personal Information

We do not disclose any personal information gathered on our sites to third parties. Period.

Some forms on our sites require personal information such as your name, address, telephone number, and so forth. You may provide this information voluntarily. Bullock Estate & Diamond Brokers collects this information only for our internal use. We do not sell or redistribute this information to third parties under any circumstances, except if required by law (i.e., a court order).

E-Mail Addresses

We do save the email addresses of everyone who contacts us. However, we do not engage in "spamming" (mass, unsolicited email advertisements). If we maintain any electronic mailing lists of our visitors, they are "opt-in": people must explicitly request to join them.

On occasion, we may ask visitors if they would like to receive mailings from us. Only those respondents who explicitly say "yes" will be added to our electronic mailing lists. Removal requests will be processed promptly: simply contact us.

Webserver Logs

All webservers track the number of "hits" they receive, and ours is no exception. Our webserver tracks the time and IP address of each hit on each of our pages. No identifying personal information is recorded in this manner.


This site uses "cookie" technology for the following purposes:

  1. To recognize when a previous visitor to our site has returned.
  2. To record the "referring site," if any, that led you to our web site.
  3. To discover whether visitors who filled out one of our forms, such as our Diamond Price Quote Request, came from a particular referring site. This helps us decide where best to advertise.

Additionally, a small number of our pages contain a "tracking image" to count hits on those pages. This feature is usually associated with an advertising campaign, so we can count how many people visit our site in response to the particular campaign.

That's All

We do not otherwise record the browsing habits of our visitors.